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Children, Young People, and Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility

We have adopted the House of Bishops' safeguarding policy statement

Promoting a Safer Church.

If you feel

a child or adult

is in danger
phone 999


If You Have a Concern

Parish Safeguarding Officer

Gifty Jacques

Innocencia Gifty Jacques - Safeguarding.jpg

Safeguarding Adviser

London Diocese Safeguarding.jpg


24-hour helpline

0303 003 1111



0800 1111



0808 800 5000


Safeguarding Policy Statement

Promoting a Safer Church.

Every person has a value and dignity, which comes directly from the creation of people in God’s image. Christians see this potential as fulfilled by God’s re-creation of us in Christ.

Among other things this implies a duty to value all people as bearing the image of God and therefore to protect them from harm.


  • We commit ourselves to nurture, protect and safeguard all our members, particularly children, young people and adults at risk.


  • We recognise that safeguarding is the responsibility
    of the whole church.

  • We undertake to exercise proper care in the selection, appointment, training and support of those working with children or adults at risk.

  • We will respond without delay to concerns or allegations that a child or adult at risk may have been harmed, cooperating fully in any investigation.

  • We will challenge any abuse of power by anyone in a position of trust. We will seek to offer pastoral care to anyone who has suffered abuse.

  • We will seek to offer pastoral care and support, including supervision and referral to the proper authorities, to any member of our church community known to have offended against a child, young person or adult at risk.

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