Apr 15, 2021Changing the narrative on racism: a long, but hope filled, way to goA Statement by our Bishops in London in response to the Government's Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities: As we emerge from Easter,...
Mar 25, 2021Save the Bees!Good news for bee-lovers. A pesticide called thiamethoxam has been officially banned in the UK. According to Bees for Development, about...
Mar 25, 2021Easter - Festival of New Life, Hope, ...and Chocolate... Easter that spring festival of Christians. We nicked the name from a pagan spring festival (eostre) that was annoyingly popular, they...
Jan 29, 2021A Year to Remember or Forget? Although we remain in the midst of the pandemic, and it is still unclear what the end of it will look like and what the “new normal” will...